Plate Heat Exchanger
Additional equipment/components are required for the secondary circulation loops like a Secondary Circulation pump along with a control panel and extra piping and valves required.
Extra Power Consumption for the secondary circulation pump.
Heat loss via PHE which is generally not insulated and secondary circulation loop pipings, valves and fittings.
Spiral Heat Exchanger
No secondary circulation loop is required.
Only one circulation pump power consumption.
No external HE and secondary circulation loop.
PHE requires maintenance like the replacement of gaskets and has a limited life of approx. 10 years.
Extra investment on the secondary pump, control panel & secondary loop piping, valves and fitting.
Larger footprints due to external PHE & Secondary Loop.
SHE requires zero maintenance and her life is more than 25 years.
Approx. 20-40% less capital cost
Fewer footprints due to no external HE & Secondary loop requirement and there are only primary pipings outside.